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A mod where you can pass out from drinking too much?


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I know there's probably one like this but my idea is that if you drink too many alcoholic things then the screen will blackout and you'll wake up in a random cave or dungeon missing some gear you had on yourself or without any weapons or armor and you'd have to fight through the enemies in that cave to get it back.


I want to make this mod but I don't have any modding experience yet so I thought I'd throw this idea out there.

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Death Alternative Your Money or Your Life will take your stuff when you black out if you are beaten by enemies. This person makes 3 mods like this, and they look to be active (posted this month!) so ask them if this is something they have put in their mod or would like to add. I do not use this mod but it is very popular.


In iNeed you will start to get very blurry/dizzy if you drink to much. I use this mod and can recommend.


Frostfall/Campfire also will have you pass out and wake up randomly elsewhere (sometimes with items/gold gone) if you pass out from freezing. I use this mod and can recommend.


Death Alternative seems to be the closest to what you want, you could ask them if they have already done it.


There is also already a quest in the base game that does something like your request, but you knew that already of course.

Edited by amakachao
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