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Strange Floating/Levitating Objects


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I have been playing fallout 4 for awhile with this bug and mostly ignoring it, but it's started to really irritate me and sometimes there is just a row of these levitating rocks underground. If I touch them or an explosion or bullet or anything that causes physics comes in to contact with them, they drop to the floor. I can even walk under them if they are high up enough. I have tried to google search this bug but the only thing I find is videos on how to make settlement objects float.

I am certain a mod is causing this but I am not sure which mod it is. If I had to guess it might be the texture optimization project: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/978/? My reason is that I THINK this is around when it started but deactivating it doesn't seem to do much.


Sadly, I can't upload the full resolution screen shots because they are too big. If anyone else has run in to this bug and knows what is causing it, a solution would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


EDIT: Those.... those are sweetrolls. I can't pick them up and clicking them while in the console doesn't come back with anything telling me they are sweetrolls.


EDIT 2: Found the mod after searching for levitating sweetrolls: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2787/?

Edited by medhathobo
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