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GECK compiler stopped working?


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Everything was working fine yesterday, even after adding the Honest Hearts DLC. This morning, when I started coding in the GECK, it refuses to save the script.


This is the code I wrote yesterday, which works correctly in NV.


scn aazSubjugationQuestScript

short FactionInfamyEnabled
short KarmaPenalty
short TotalSubjugated
short init
short CurrentSubjugations

begin gamemode
if init == 0
	set init to 1
	set FactionInfamyEnabled to 1
	set KarmaPenalty to 1
	set TotalSubjugated to 0
	set CurrentSubjugations to 0

if CurrentSubjugations != ListGetCount aazSubjugationList
	set CurrentSubjugations to ListGetCount aazSubjugationList
	printtoconsole "Subjugation list has changed."


So I made a few changes & so on...


scn aazSubjugationQuestScript

short FactionInfamyEnabled
short KarmaPenalty
short TotalSubjugated
short init
short CurrentSubjugations
short c
ref r

begin gamemode
if init == 0
	set init to 1
	set FactionInfamyEnabled to 1
	set KarmaPenalty to 1
	set TotalSubjugated to 0
	set CurrentSubjugations to 0

if CurrentSubjugations != ListGetCount aazSubjugationList
	set CurrentSubjugations to ListGetCount aazSubjugationList
	printtoconsole "Subjugation list has changed."

	set c to 0
	Label ListOutputLoop
	if c < CurrentSubjugations
		set r to ListGetNthForm aazSubjugationList c
		printtoconsole "%.0f - %n" c r
		set c to c + 1
		Goto ListOutputLoop



I've ran it through the script validator from Cipscis-- no errors there. The form list referenced exists.

Additionally, I've just noticed the editor won't allow ANY changes/saving at all. Anyone else experiencing this B.S.?

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Tried running the powerup, no change. Made sure NVSE is running correctly (it works in-game properly), but GECK refuses to acknowledge it (confirmed it does actually loads into memory).
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For the label, I've only has success with a number from 1 to 255. Any number greater will compile, but the loop won't loop. And alpha doesn't work


Label ListOutputLoop


When I compile your script, it doesn't like the variable 'r' and it doesn't like the label.

I would try not to use single letter variables. At run time, only the compiled code is loaded anyway.

Also, if you aren't getting any errors - make sure you are using the new Geck powerup and that you put the plugin in the Data\NVSE\Plugin directory.



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I had this problem. Try "run as administrator" when you load your Geck, instead of normal starting. This fixed most of my problems. It was just one of those things, too simple for me to see it! lol




I've ran it through the script validator from Cipscis-- no errors there. The form list referenced exists.

Additionally, I've just noticed the editor won't allow ANY changes/saving at all. Anyone else experiencing this B.S.?

Edited by sherrioliver
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Good to know about the label. But even a simpler command, PrintToConsole doesn't compile (used in a different script, but all the same creating the same issue). I'm using the most current version of the powerup (0-1-3-2 beta), and yes it's in the right place. It's as if the GECK isn't seeing NVSE for some reason. NVSE works as it's supposed to when I actually run the game. It's only when i try to use it with the GECK that I'm running into an issue.
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Good to know about the label. But even a simpler command, PrintToConsole doesn't compile (used in a different script, but all the same creating the same issue). I'm using the most current version of the powerup (0-1-3-2 beta), and yes it's in the right place. It's as if the GECK isn't seeing NVSE for some reason. NVSE works as it's supposed to when I actually run the game. It's only when i try to use it with the GECK that I'm running into an issue.


It sounds like you aren't launching the Geck with the NVSE loader (with the -editor flag). Change the shortcut to the Geck to

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\nvse_loader.exe" -editor

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Nope, that's how I have it set up. Been using NVSE right from the get-go, both for the game and for the GECK. One of the things I thought might have been an issue was that the shortcut was linking through a network address "\\SC-DESKTOP\\..." which didn't sound right, so it was changed (that was before I posted here, btw) but it had no effect.
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