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Wyre Bash ( not again)


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So i just bought Oblivion, for mods I beat the PS3 version long ago so i don't feel like going vanilla. Im not experience with Installing mods i only do mods in source games, and the total war series and they are not as complicated as oblivion.

any ways after an hour into the game ive googled for some instructions, Recommendations and mods.

ive followed this thread


I installed Wyre Bash before Installing Python out of cluelessness, but ive got Python 2.5, Python 2.7.8 something like that, and Physco now . i also have all the unofficial patches, I haven't installed all the others in the thread because i couldn't get wyre bash to run can anyone spare time to help me? i know you all had this issue from a confused ignorant Newb before.

and sorry for my bad English writing.

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I'm a total noob too, so I'd like to be the first to chime in...:)


I had this problem myself less than a few days ago. It's so, so confusing. What version of Windows are you running? This, for me, was the deciding factor on getting Wrye Bash to run, and how to do it...


If you're running Windows 7 (or Vista, I think) then the problem is in the Program Files directory. Windows likes to be anal and make you give permission for everything you try to do, and of course, this stops Wrye Bash from running at all, practically. If you are running Windows 7 (or Vista), make sure your Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion folder is actually NOT in the Program files (x86) directory. Make sure it's in something like c:\games\Bethesda Softworks or something.


Then uninstall all your Wrye Bash and Python stuff...and just download the Wrye Bash installer pack and install clean. It will install all the Python stuff for you...just keep agreeing with it, get through the install, and try it again.


...if that was your problem. :) If not, then hopefully this thread might be of help to everyone else that can't get this complex program to work...:)

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i have it all installed out of Program files, but i have oblivion under Steam ( also out of program files). Would you suggest uninstalling Wyre Bash and Python and reinstalling it using the Pack? Thanks for sparing time :thumbsup:
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Uninstall Wrye Bash and install Wrye Python 03a from here, then reinstall Wrye Bash. Python packages are all separate entities, meaning you need the specific version that a program was built on for that program to run. This is why different versions of Python install to different directories.


To get Bash to launch on Windows Vista/7, navigate to the Python 2.6 directory (c:\Python26 by default), right-click on pythonw.exe, click the Compatibility tab, and set it to Run as administrator. Do the same for python.exe.

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do you guys know any good armor mods for Male characters and also some weapons? I want some Variety but all i find are Female design items.
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