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Power armor articulation for female characters


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Sorry, this is not a thread about "sexy" or "feminine" power armor. Unless you find FO4's giant genderless robot suits sexy. Which I do. But that's beside the point.


Power armor is currently shaped and sized for broad-shouldered men. When a female character gets into it, her elbows are about five inches shorter than the suit's and her shoulders are well inside the torso. The suit's arms articulate at the midpoints of her upper-arm and forearm bones, not at her joints.


The power armor movement sound should be crunch, slurp, scream at this point.


The solution is conceptually simple: stretch and skew the power armor model to make the torso more narrow and the elbow joint higher on the arm, like this.



How to actually do this in a way that the game will recognize and be okay with, maintaining proper animations, weights, rigging for weapons, etc... that, I have no idea.


Thoughts so far...

How can this work without messing up the male version?

Is anyone interested in taking up this project? I've done very little modeling and no rigging whatsoever. I can try, but I don't know what kind of progress I'll make.

How will this interact with other power armor mods?

Would every model need to change, or is there a shortcut?

Edited by Aluminumfoil
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