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Fallout 4 1.4.124 Beta Update is on!


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Installing the beta completely removed all the .esps from my plugins file again, so I had to uninstall all my mods and reinstall them. Given that I ran NMM before the game, I'd have thought it would make the file read-only again, but apparently it failed (or it was rewritten on the install). Seems anti-mod friendly to me, contrary to the bullet point, but reinstalling everything worked out. I also noticed it referenced which .esps were missing when I loaded a save file.

I would add your replay to the main post, just to be sure.

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I noticed something new in gameplay:


In the past, if you emptied your mag of a weapon, and switched to another, upon switching back to the emptied one, it's now refilled. After this patch, seems like the game remembers how many rounds your gun held.


I found that out when I was going up against a Deathclaw. Not a great ending as you might expect.

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