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Fallout 4 1.4.124 Beta Update is on!


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They removed the save system and replaced it with a garbage mechanic most game devs abandoned 10-15 years ago? Good god, Bethesda, we wanted proper roleplay mechanics, not ancient design limits ripped right out of GTA3.

Well, that's a deal breaker for me. I'll stick with overhaul mods made by people here at the Nexus, like with every other Bethesda game. Some lessons they just don't seem to be able to learn.


I missed the news where it's stated you *have* to play in survival mode ...

I'm discussing the new features. Don't be a troll to derail an opinion you don't like.



You are not discussing actually, you are ranting about something that is not yet in game, or even tested.

Also, not beeing able to use save scumming is not something from the past century, a lot of survival games are using such mecanism to increase the immersive factor for the player.

Any MMO and a lot of multiplayer games also dont allow to save either and each action has a meaning.


I dont know yet if this will work well for fallout4, I guess we have to try first, but this is definitely a very interesting step.

Edited by mcguffin
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Just asking...
Few months back i had a massive heart attack.

In the hospital, I was having laughs, one dokter, she asked me if I wasn't afraid.

On which I explained: "I COULD be afraid, but to what point. Being afraid, prevents one from living, from enjoying life. It would be a BAD thing to be afraid, no?"
She could not but agree on that... :)

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Installing the beta completely removed all the .esps from my plugins file again, so I had to uninstall all my mods and reinstall them. Given that I ran NMM before the game, I'd have thought it would make the file read-only again, but apparently it failed (or it was rewritten on the install). Seems anti-mod friendly to me, contrary to the bullet point, but reinstalling everything worked out. I also noticed it referenced which .esps were missing when I loaded a save file.


Any one else had this problem? Not sure if should update my game.


The beta hasn't changed the way the game has been handling mods. All you need to do is re-enable them, not reinstall them. Loading NMM and re-enabling them does the trick. One thing the beta updates DOES do is add an 'Add-Ons' category to the main menu so you can see what esps are installed, and the game will tell you if one is missing when you load an existing save (and the name of the one that's missing).

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They removed the save system and replaced it with a garbage mechanic most game devs abandoned 10-15 years ago? Good god, Bethesda, we wanted proper roleplay mechanics, not ancient design limits ripped right out of GTA3.

Well, that's a deal breaker for me. I'll stick with overhaul mods made by people here at the Nexus, like with every other Bethesda game. Some lessons they just don't seem to be able to learn.



I missed the news where it's stated you *have* to play in survival mode ...

I'm discussing the new features. Don't be a troll to derail an opinion you don't like.

You are not discussing actually, you are ranting about something that is not yet in game, or even tested.

Also, not beeing able to use save scumming is not something from the past century, a lot of survival games are using such mecanism to increase the immersive factor for the player.

Any MMO and a lot of multiplayer games also dont allow to save either and each action has a meaning.


I dont know yet if this will work well for fallout4, I guess we have to try first, but this is definitely a very interesting step.

Frustration and tedium are not valid game mechanics and Fallout 4 is not a multiplayer game. It is a single player game built on an engine that is well known for glitches, bugs and crashing. Making it difficult to save is irresponsible.


Even without the technical problems, it's bad design. Most gamers are in their 30s. Many of us have kids. When we need to turn off a game and deal with our real lives at a moment's notice, something that happens very often, a stupid, flawed design like this means we either have to leave it running or just switch it off and lose progress.


This is a large step in the wrong direction and, like I said, I won't be using it. I'll just use a mod to get a proper "survival mode" or I'll make one myself.

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Yeah, I do that frequent quicksave thing, and not because of dieing. You just never know when you will crash. In order to remedy that, they would need a frequent autosave feature running in the background, which overrides itself on death, so you can't use it to avoid death. Like, it autosaves all the time, but they are invisible saves you can only load in case of a crash. Then it would work. Edited by SephDragoon
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