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Custom NPC issues


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A couple of unrelated issues while trying to create an NPC in GECK...


First off, when I create the NPC and give him some hair, he looks as he is supposed to when I preview the head. However, when I do a full preview, he is bald. When I test him in game, he is bald. How do I force him to keep the hair he is assigned? FIXED -- I didn't think to check that his outfit occupied a hair slot. Once again, the easiest fixes are oft overlooked.


The second issue is with recording lines. I recorded them in the GECK and when I listen to the preview, they sound fine. However, when I hear them in game there is some obnoxious feedback that isn't present in the preview. I tried opening them up in Audacity, but they sound fine there too. Is there some trick to recording dialogue I am overlooking?



Edited by smit8420
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