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Classic Games


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Hmm. Good choices. After further reflection, i think i should put up my nominations for Most Innovative Game Released Since I Discovered How To Operate A Computer 2003 :lol:


Hidden and Dangerous (bugged to HELL but worth it)

Morrowind (well, i'l assume we all know why since we're here)

Half-Life (sheer genius, and wasn't beaten for 3 years)

Homeworld (a classic - shame the second is a carbon copy of it)

Freelancer (its linear, but you could easily convince yourself that its not :D )


Theres loads more, i just can't think of them at the moment. Theres one that was really gorey. It lets you chop someones arm off, drop your sword, pick up the arm and use that to stove their head in. It began with an S. I forget the name. Any :help: ?

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