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Looking for a Well versed Scripter


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Well its spring time, and I've been away from my keyboard more and more. I have a mod thats about 75% complete, and sometimes I just don;t have the motivation to even look at Geck. Especially when the weather is so beautiful. So Im looking for someone to help me keep focused. I won't abandon my project, but I'm also running into some stupid snags. Probable due to my lack of Scripting in this langauge. I am not using FOSE, mainly due to the fact it doesnt support the 4gig mode. Would be a lot easier If I could use it though. Anyway, I have some detailed scripts already, but running into snags at this point. So Im looking for a partner at this point. As far as creation goes the mods overall area's are setup, they still need some more filler, but on a whole their basically done. The more clutter, and functions still need work, but thats minor compared to quest portions.


Anyway If anyone intrested in this role, please either PM me, or reply to this thread.


I also play another game, so that kinda sucked some of my time up. Theres a ladder going on this month, and I'm in 8th place so far, so I put a lot of time into another place. Would like to start wrapping this mod up though, but do need some help.

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