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Mod Idea: Dweomer Parachute


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Today while exploring the wizards tower mod I had recently installed, I soon found myself atop the tallest tower. Noticing that I was very high up, I sought to see both how far I could make it in a long jump, and whether or not I could possible survive. Much to my dismay, I landed a mere couple of feet away from the tower, and died upon impact. It was at this moment that an idea for a mod came to me.


It would be a mod that was purely for fun; not for added realism. My idea is to make an item that is a parachute (probably Dweomer Parachute or something similar) that can be wielded to give (just my preliminary ideas) a massive boost to acrobatics (so you can survive long falls), a massive drop in speed (to prevent people from using it all the time), and hopefully (this is the key part) added air control and/or lowered rate of fall. My goal is that one could, in theory, make it from the top of the wizards tower to close (if not all the way) to Bruma (which is tantalizingly visible).


However, upon downloading and fiddling around with the construction set, I found that I had no idea what I was doing. My efforts to read the wiki proved both time consuming and fruitless.


So that is why I am here. I am looking for either help in creating the mod, advice on aspects that could be changed and how to change them, or in the slight hope that an experienced modder could take up, or at least provide lots of help in creating the mod.


Thank you for your time.

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You can't really affect the rate things fall easily, without affecting everything else. Maybe if there was a slowfall effect in oblivion and you felt like going through the trouble of making a mesh for the parachute, but even then, the uses for it would be limited since cities are seperate environments, and most every high up place isn't sorrounded by anything you would want to fall into.

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You can't really affect the rate things fall easily, without affecting everything else. Maybe if there was a slowfall effect in oblivion and you felt like going through the trouble of making a mesh for the parachute, but even then, the uses for it would be limited since cities are seperate environments, and most every high up place isn't sorrounded by anything you would want to fall into.


I could handle the mesh; I'm an experienced graphic artist and 3D designer. Thats not what I'm worried about, and my original plans were to make it invisible/non-existent in preliminary stages as I mostly play in first person anyways. Slowfall sounds exactly like what I'd want, any possibilities there?. And I didn't plan on dropping into cities, just near them.

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Slowfall sounds exactly like what I'd want, any possibilities there?.

Try morrowind. As far as I know, I don't think anyone's been able to recreate the effect through other means. Try searching for it, who knows, you might get lucky.

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Slowfall sounds exactly like what I'd want, any possibilities there?.

Try morrowind. As far as I know, I don't think anyone's been able to recreate the effect through other means. Try searching for it, who knows, you might get lucky.


So there's no way to replicate slowfall in oblivion?

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  • 6 years later...

yes, there is already a great Dwemer Parashoot in MrSiika Skyship mod.


I extracted it with permission of Quixx who made the congenial skript. Mr Siika declared his mesh as a ressource. Now im thinking about uploading, but Im not quiet shure. Whats your oppinion.




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