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Veronica HP/Level *still* stuck after latest patch.


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Is there any way to make Veronica reset so that she levels with me? I'm using the latest Steam version.


Also....I'm was using the unlimited companions mod but it seems only Cass talks while adventuring. Do the other characters like Veronica or Lily say random stuff equal to Cass's "I'm sure thirsty", "Glad I'm dragging Brahmin" too? Cass also remarks on certain locales.....I have never heard my other companions say anything.


I've tried firing all my companions then turning off all mods, then hiring and doing some adventuring and they are *still* very quiet.


Also, one last ?, are humanoid melee companions supposed to be retarded. Veronica and Lily will run straight for me and crouch when an enemy is near, compared to Rex who *beelines* for enemies very far away. Lily and Veronica only attack enemies when they are very close to me. Setting them to Aggressive and Stay Far doesn't help.


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



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I think the problem with Veronica not saying anything is she simply doesn't.


If you look into the Voice.bsa. Cass has like 50 locations specific things she says.....Veronica....has next to none that I can find. Maybe she just doesn't say much.

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