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Export Trouble

Aria C

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Its been awhile since I modded DA and now that I am taking a stab at DA2 I cannot for the life of me remember how to export meshes for editing. I remember once long ago stumbling across a tutorial which explained the process but of course now that I need a refresher I cant find it.


Does anyone have a link that can help me out?

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Its been awhile since I modded DA and now that I am taking a stab at DA2 I cannot for the life of me remember how to export meshes for editing. I remember once long ago stumbling across a tutorial which explained the process but of course now that I need a refresher I cant find it.


Does anyone have a link that can help me out?

Hey there, Aria C;


You'll want all the stuff under the Files tab here: "pyGFF on the BSN".


Use the "fname" list to replace the file designators with something human-readable, (the list isn't complete and hasn't been updated in a while) then the editor to extract the .dds you want.


You'll also need an "erf packer" (gib has one that folk seem to use a lot) to repackage your stuff when you're done. :thumbsup:


[Edit: IANAM ("I am not a modder"), only done a very small amount of peeking and poking inside the DA2 erfs, so may have forgotten/mistaken something.]

Edited by Thandal
added disclaimer.
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Thandal, that's fine if she wants to work with the textures, but she's asking about exporting meshes to a format the game can work with.


Aria C, it depends on what modeling program you're using. tmp7704 wrote a Lighwave plugin to import/export both binary and .xml mesh files. This is what I've been using to do my mesh edits.


There's also DA2tools, but I never was never able to get it to work with Blender properly :(

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Yeah, I saw you mention .dds files and thought "Oh, he must have misread the post :P."


Anywho, I'll keep tabs on this thread in case the OP has any more questions (though I'm far from an expert; just someone who's made a few edits in her time). Outside of Lightwave, though, I'm afraid I won't be much use at all. I never could get DA2tools to work, and it seems like someone in one of the dedicated DA2 boards is having the same issue I had.

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I found import scripts for blender and 3ds max here: http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=6119. But at the moment there seems no way to export the mesh directly back into the DA2 msh format or exporting a XML file and compiling it with the DAO processors. Ish is the lucky one who can. I can only confirm that the import works but I also don't know if the bones are right.
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sorry for being mia from my own thread my video card overheated and promptly died, thankfuly its replacement arrived today :)


Thank You all for responding, I'm using blender and hopefuly the scripts anzolino linked to will work out, also ty for the update on the textures.

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