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MF Breeder Durability


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I was wondering if there was anyway for durability to be added to the MF breeder that comes with all recharger weapons with the idea being that every time the weapon is fired it counts against the durability and when the durability reaches zero it might turn into a drained microfusion cell or a drained breeder that could be refilled at a workbench with fission batteries or something.

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the idea being that every time the weapon is fired it counts against the durability and when the durability reaches zero it might turn into a drained microfusion cell or a drained breeder that could be refilled at a workbench with fission batteries or something.

I don't use any of the recharger weapons, but I was under the impression they degrade just like any other weapon. If that's the case, than using the function getWeaponHealthPerc can check the eapons condition and swap out the recharger ammo cell for a drained one when it reaches 0.

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The weapon degrades just the same this was just an idea that could be used to reconcile the idea of "infinite energy" that the weapon presents ie. it is much more plausible that the MF Breeder is just a battery with a very dense power supply that lasts a very long time but does eventually burn out.

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