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Less Overpowered Holograms in Dead Money


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Okay, when playing Dead Money, most of you have noticed some gameplay elements that make the game feel like a platformer. While some issues can be taken care of with existing mods, such as the speakers that happen to emit a bomb collar detonation frequency, the poison cloud, and Father Elijah being hellbent on you wearing a bomb collar, the holograms still have not been addressed. Holograms should not be able to shoot lasers, since that would be impossible. Holograms would also not have a field of view like they do in Dead Money. If they can sense things, why not just have the hologram emitter automatically detect whenever an intruder is there and proceed to shoot lasers out of nowhere? Also, why are they solid? If they are solid, they should be vulnerable to guns, or at least the holorifle.


All I am saying is that characters who prefer not to use stealth should be able to get around these pesky unrealistic holograms.

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