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Blood around dead bodies


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I always found it strange that after emptying full clip into an enemy who stands in open, all i'd found after approaching his body would be his body and absolutely no blood. Only exception is fighting indoors where splatters get drawn on walls and floor as you shoot from close distance. I would love a mod which would "proc" a blood splatter under each enemy upon death, so that when you come loot him the body would be lying in pool of blood. I tend to shoot the dead body few times from distance which has the desired effect however breaks immersion and wastes ammo :)


As i have no real experience in geck apart form changing some values I have no idea if this is possible.

Edited by sdfgsdjfasdjk
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to further clarify as there is zero feedback to this obvious issue.


img1: all the enemies were killed from mid range with automatic rifle, you can clearly see few dismembered parts, during the fight there were blood wounds seen in bullet entry points, yet there is no single drop of blood on floor under the bodies.



img2: enemies defeated at close range with same automatic rifle - the carnage is clearly visible.




i would very much like to find similar splatter under each dead body as the bloodless enemies break immersion and the psychotic killer in me goes into corner and cries. im a bit baffled why there isn;t a mod like this seeing as the pursuers of realism made million of mods to make guns louder so that when you fire it your speaker membrane would burst, or darker nights, more/less dismemberment etc, but noone seems to find bloodless dismembered bodies lying on the spanking cleean texture strange.

Edited by sdfgsdjfasdjk
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I blow off an enemy's head and a trail of blood follows it as it rolls on the ground...






Enhanced Blood Textures:


and Bloody Mess:



I used these.

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That is all from close distance, but shoot the same enemy with same weapon from 5-10times the distance and you'll find only dismembered body, blood chunks and no blood splatter. I am already using Enhanced Blood Textures with More Gore module, gonna give the other mod you linked a try.


peace out


edit: i installed Bloody Mess mod and while game became pleasantly more gory, issue still persists. i just screenshotted the perfect examples:


img1: bodies around my char were killed with the survivalist's rifle form close distance. now notice the group of dead fiends at the end of the road far from me. they were killed with same weapon form about where the screenshot was taken.



img2: what you actually find when you reach the end of road: dismembered bodies devoid of blood. evil invisible bloodsuckers :<


Edited by sdfgsdjfasdjk
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