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Longer days


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Hey, well i have a mod idea, and so far it seems nobody has made it. Is it possible to make a mod extending minute time so that minutes didnt go by in seconds? i mean i dont want the days to take forever, but it would be nice if day time lasted longer. same goes for night. i hate how ive only just gotten up in the morning and about 10 minutes later, its dark and im not well rested any more Edited by XenoAlbedo
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Yea ive noticed the shortness of days. I was waking from wolfhorn ranch to novac and it took like a day, but like 15 minutes real time. Should be more realistic.
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You don't really need a mod to achieve this. The “speed of time” in the game is controlled by a global variable called “TimeScale”.

By default, it is set to 30, meaning the ingame time runs 30 times faster than normal time. 1 second realtime would be 30 seconds in the game. 2 seconds would be a minute. 2 minutes would be an hour ... 48 minutes is a whole day (24 hours).


Using the console you can change TimeScale to suit your needs. Open the console and type “Set TimeScale To x”. x would be however fast you want the ingame time to pass. Personally I like playing with a TimeScale of 6 (Set TimeScale To 6).

A whole day then takes 4 realtime hours.


If you're playing in hardcore mode, changing TimeScale has some odd side effects. For example, with a TimeScale of 6, after sleeping for 8 hours, I am always incredibly thirsty and hungry once I wake up. Close to starvation actually. Hardcore mode doesn't seem to work too well with a changed TimeScale.


At rare occasions, the game will reset TimeScale back to 30. It doesn't happen often. Some quests play around with this variable and might reset it. To see you current TimeScale, open the console and type “Show TimeScale”.


Have fun.

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