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Help a poor newb, please...

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I downloaded the Ancient Elven Furniture set created by css0101. I love the furniture, it's beautiful... I just can't seem to get it to work.

I downloaded both the files, loaded the file for the mesh fix into the data file after I loaded the main file. I use OBSE when editing and playing. Here's where it get's tricky. There are two .esp files. One is just the furniture, nothing added ingame. The second is a sample.esp. I don't activate this second data file, because frankly, I'm pretty sure I don't need it. In CS the meshes, textures, lights, etc. all show up and look great. However, I save the file, go and try to play it, and the furniture isn't there. Any other changes I have made are but not the oh so pretty furniture I oh so wish to use. If I close out of CS and re-open it, using all the same data files, the furniture is gone. All that work just dissapears. I love this furniture and want to use it. I finally like the abode that I'm creating in this one and it just wouldn't be the same without the furniture. Woe is me.


Someone HELP!


P.S. Link to Ancient Elven Furniture

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Grats on making your dream home!


Hmm...are you posting the furniture into an existing player house .esp? If so, you and I are having the same problem right now. I was told it was a phenomenon called "isolation", where basically non-vanilla items from one mod won't work in another non-vanilla setting. I was shown this link:




It's a little complicated, but I think our solution lies in there....


I really hope that helps. I know how frustrating this is....:(


Edit: Also, as a reminder, be very aware of what .esp you're making active and saving your furniture under. I know I get mixed up a lot...^^;;


Re-edit: Oh, and have you tried placing the furniture in a vanilla interior, just to see if it works? Say, a store in the IC Market District? :) If it works, then you have the same problem I do. If not...well...I guess we'll get to that if it's happening. :)

Edited by LadyAubrie
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I would say that might be a problem, and it gives me an idea to try, I'll let you know if it works. It could be something similar. I'm using the sheogorad mods, and I'm activating those when I edit, but so far I have only put vanila stuff in... yeah. And thank you.
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Well...did you try just putting your elven furniture in a normal vanilla setting? It can be anywhere...the First Edition Bookstore in the IC Market District...or any vanilla setting. If it shows up there, then it isn't a *huge* problem...you'll know everything's working normally. Just forget your house for the moment and do that...just to test. I bet you anything there's nothing wrong.


In which case, *you* aren't doing anything wrong! Give it a shot and see how it goes...:)


Edit: Try this...


1. Load only Oblivion.esm and your elven furniture mod...pick the active file as Oblivion.esm

2. Place your furniture in some vanilla store that's easy for you to find and get to (like in the IC Market)

3. Save as whateveryouwant.esp

4. Load your new file as you load the game, go to that store, and see if it's there. Nine times out of ten, it will be.

5. Start reading that tutorial, choose a method, and get the programs mentioned...I know they can be a pain to get set up, but once you do, you'll be able to do a whole lot more anyway.


And then...let us know how it goes getting the new furniture where you actually *want* it!

Edited by LadyAubrie
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I put a sofa and a light in the divine elegance. They did not show. Could it have something to do with the other bazillion mods I'm currently using? I don't see why but I won't rule anything out, and I'm definately not a pro at programming or modding.


And I assume by tutorial you mean the cs wiiki page?

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Ouch....ouch, ouch, ouch. So they're not showing up at all....hmm....


It very well could have something to do with your other mods....mods are funny and they can conflict in unexpected ways, depending on their temperament or, more commonly and more frighteningly, their load order. So a couple more questions...


1. Do you use BOSS? (it might get your mods sorted in the right order...hopefully)

and, more of a long shot...

2. Have you tried any other furniture in a vanilla setting? It could be the elven furniture mod itself....although I can't be sure...if another furniture mod actually works, then you'll know it's a problem with EF.



This has got me a little stumped, too, and I feel like the answer is right there and it's eluding me...


Edit: And yeah, I was referring to the wiki page...:) Although, that might have to be put on hold until we figure out what's up with this mod in the first place...>.>;;

Edited by LadyAubrie
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Well... other furniture mods.... I've used Meos Ayleid clutter, but that usually doesn't come with an esp........... I'm gonna try something real quick.


OK. So this is going to take a bit more time but will be well worth it.


I didn't use the .esp.

Instead I replaced a rock with one of the shelf meshes.

Lo and behold it works.

Muwahahaha IT'S ALIVE!

Overly dramatic, I know.


Edited by RobynGraves
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You thought of something I'd have never thought of...good work! :)


So...we know now that there's nothing wrong with the meshes/textures...that it's a problem with the game actually pulling up the file name. And from there....well...I'm kind of new at this...I was just desperately hoping I could help someone - I've needed help with so much myself!


If nobody on here chimes in with uber-helpful advice, then I guess the choice is yours...you could always replace the file names of a mod that *does* work with your new ones...just back up the old ones and switch back and forth at will. I know that might be a pain, but it would definitely be a fix. :)


I'm sorry I wasn't much help...my urge to help is bigger than my actual knowledge, I think...


Anyway, I totally wish you the best of luck with this...it sounds like you've sort of got an almost-fix underway...:)

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You were a great help. We were able to narrow down the issue so that we could come up with a creative solution. And yeah it's an almost-fix. I still have absolutely no clue WHY there was an issue but I can live with a work-around. :teehee:
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