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Remove "Do you want to exit?" confirmation window at crafting stations


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I searched this forum but I didn't find any similar request and I can't believe that no one else is annoyed by that confirmation pop up.


I mean really, every time you want to exit any crafting station you get that stupid question pop up asking "Do you want to exit....?", like there were any other reason for you to press tab at that moment, and as a result you always need to confirm your decision about ending work at that station. This really slows you down if you want to do quick crafting at multiple stations, of course its also every irritating, its the same like with that stupid notice in Skyrim when you want to apply poison to a weapon.


So, while I do know that what can be done now is limited, but if it is possible now I would be really grateful if someone made a mod that will remove that stupid confirmation window, or just tell me how I can do it myself.


Thanks in advance

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