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Morrowind Major Lag!!!


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Try turning off the fog

Edit: And the hardware shader


Legoman: Turn down your draw distance to less than 25. Yours is way too high


I change the seeing to the following in the image and get the same fps now which is 10fps. Now I can get some distant land but not as much as I was hoping for but it doesn't look too short so it will look real on how far I can see. It also makes the game seem bigger in a way since I cannot see as far. Thanks man!

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Yeah, but that doesn't solve my Morrowind lagg problem :dry:

How is it even possible to play a 11 year-old game that have an average frame rate of 10 fraps per second, how is that possible?

Should I buy a AMD Radeon HD 6990 to only fix this problem? This topic is a few weeks old, and I still have this problem!!! :wallbash:


I can play Oblivion, Black Ops, Mass Effect II, Crysis 2, Crysis Warhead, Fallout 3, GTA 4, Portal 2 in full high quality ! But not for Morrowind, my favorite game lagg and even when

I set the graphics to low, it will make no difference in performance. I can't blame you guys, but there has to be someone that have also the same/more experience of Morrowind problems.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Yeah, that's also a problem. This is the only version that I can play with. The latest version don't work wich also includes MGE XE.

If I install the latest version of MGE, then a message comes; "MGE doesn't work properly" And if I try to play Morrowind without touching MGE, then it says "Please configure MGE first before playing"



I can tell u whats the Problem is at this point!

You are using Win 7 right? And MGE 3.8.2 didn`t run good right? So you use 3.8.0.

The thing is easy, you just have to run morrowind.exe, morrowindlauncher AND MGE as Administrator.

Simply go in the Properties and check the Box "Run an Administrator"


Then MGE should run without any Problems, this solved the Problem for me ;)

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I can confirm the above post. Had the exact same problem. The newer version of MGE crashed every time and the older version caused some unbelievable lag. Set morrowind.exe, MGE.exe and the autolauncher to run as administrator and the new MGE worked like a charm.

HOWEVER, Balmora is a huge FPS hit on a good day. Try this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3875

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  • 1 year later...

Unfortunately, it looks like there is no way to resolve the problem, on a Multicore proc. machine.
My buddy who works at Intel, stated that it had something to do with the scripting of the software, and how the Procs respond to distributing resources accordingly. Something having to do with Multicores only being able to respond to one set of commands, while the other cores do nothing, because the software script doesn't take those cores into account, or something like that.

So, now I play both Morrowind and Oblivion on an old gaming laptop I had stored away in a closet from college, and they both run great.

Kind of pathetic, if you ask me though. Newer machines unable to run older software (despite whether you have a rocking Graphics card), unless the Manufacture's recode the games to suit current procs.
​Sounds like built in obsolescence to maintain a market, to me. lol I keed. But still...

Edited by syvernsycor
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  • 1 year later...

Yeah, to say that is pathetic is not enough. It happens same thing to me as well. I have a mac notebook pro, and i'm playing in windows7 partition. I could play skyrim just fine, (not at highest settings, but anyway) but with morrowind or oblivion it lags at incredible levels, no matter the settings or run as administrator, or run compatibility etc.. Bah.

Edited by NicotineCaffeine
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Ok, there is something that you guys do need to understand. Optimization of the game engine will play a much larger role in performance than anything that you can possibly do. Morrowind is more than a decade old, and was designed for very old computer hardware and software. Not only that, but the engine they build wasn't even very good in 2002, let alone 2014. Skyrim, and Call of Duty are optimized to such an incredibly higher level to work with your Windows 7 computers, with 2+ core processors that you couldn't even imagine.


Now, the game engine works fine when it does what it was intended to. I bet that if you benchmark Morrowind without any mods, you'll get 200+ FPS if you're not forcing VSync. I remember getting well over that last time I did so. When you try run a bunch of post processing, and break through the draw distance limits, you're just asking the game engine to do more than it was intended to do. A game like Skyrim can take advantage of your computers multi thread processors, all that extra RAM, and advanced shader models in your GPU, but Morrowind doesn't even know what those tools your hadware has ARE, let alone what to do with them.


Just understand what you're working with here, and just because you have a more powerful computer, and a less impressive looking game, doesnt mean you're going to get impressive results, especially if you dont know what you're doing.

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