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Is there a full faction ID list available ??


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So far i only found a few, but what are the others ??


Dark Brotherhood - 2F872

Fighters Guild - 2228F

Mages Guild - 22296

Thieves Guild - 24164

Arena - 299B9

Player's faction - 1DBCD

Player's vampire faction - A319

Nine Divines (from Knights of the Nine expansion) - 223BC

Nobility - 22431

Bandit faction - 177E3

Marauder faction - 35FD1

Necromancer faction - 4B90C

Necromancer Cult - C0F2

Undead faction - 9DB1F

Daedra faction - 53FED

Conjurer faction - 4B90B

Vampire faction - 33F53

Unicorn faction - 98287


So far only found these but where are the others like dark seducers faction or golden saints ???

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