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is Honest Hearts anti-mormon?


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I heard that Honest Hearts is in Utah and involves a Mormon Missionary or something, and I just have to know before I decide if I am going to support this DLC with my money or not how Honest Hearts portrays Mormons. any info about this would be helpful. thanks
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They are not really mentioned at much. Joshua Graham comes from Mormons, but you probably knew that. He is pretty much a good guy in this DLC. There is no making fun of of their... unique customs or anything like that if that's what you're worried about.
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I haven't played it yet, but I highly doubt that it is in any way anti-Mormon. From what I've been told on message boards, the Mormons are more or less just mentioned.
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I personally felt that the way that Daniel and Joshua Graham were handled was very well done. To be honest, other than the fact that they are quoting the Bible (KJV from the sounds of it), seem to have most of the big positive/emulative qualities that are ascribed to Mormons, and they are in Utah (Mormon central :P) I don't really recall being whacked over the head with them screaming "WE'RE MORMON!" Shoot, if it wasn't for the fact that Graham was explicitly stated as being a Mormon missionary back when he was rolling with Ceaser, I would just assume that he was a Christian (pick your denomination) rather than jumping to the conclusion that he was Mormon.


Additionally, I felt that Graham's portrayal as a sort of prodigal son character (going through all of his dialogue trees) was a good way to reconcile his actions as the Malpais Legate with the beliefs that would be ascribed to him being a Mormon (or more generally, a Christian.) To be honest, I've found my new favorite character (and the fact that he uses a M1911 as well as giving you a companion perk that buffs your use of the M1911 was just icing.)


I was also concerned that he would be portrayed in a more critical/negative light, and I can assure you that I was pleasantly surprised that he was portrayed as being genuinely repentant over his actions. While still being a total Bad-A.


Hope this helps. :)

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They have this thing called real life, where people actually do things that video games only try to simulate. A striking consequence of this fact is that there are some people who really are mormon, and who might not want to spend their money in support of something that portrays something important to them in a negative way.

Not too hard to come up with if you actually were to try.

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