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Debug mode not starting


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i have this problem too, the mod debugs with no errors but nothing happens afterwards. its my first mod, so im not sure what to expect and no clue where to go from here. is there somewhere i can place the mod so that it would appear in the launcher mod list?

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@ my_eternity, this thread is long so it isn't clear what you mean by "this problem" or "afterwards". Are you using the sdk? Does the compile finish, or hang? Are you able to see other mods (published ones, from steam or nexus) in the launcher screen?


If the compile finishes, and you can see other mods, then there is no particular reason your mod should be missing from the launcher screen. It may be worthwhile to try the "example weapon" mod which comes in the sdk, to make sure all the steps work for you.

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hey David, sorry. i meant that after pressing the Start Debugging button, the debugging takes place and completes, indicating success with 0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 skipped and apparently took 11.26 seconds to do so. The problem is that according to the quick start documentation that comes with ModBuddy, debugging is supposed to launch the game once it completes, but nothing happens. So ive initiated the launcher only to see no addition to the mod list, yes i do have and am able to see the other published mods.


ok, i'll take a shot at the example weapon and see what happens with that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've found a solution! Hopefully this will work for you guys.



So I tried reinstalling it. That didn't work, so I went to the directories I'd put down, then inspected the directory browsing window closely and it specifically states choose a directory 'ending in XComGame': https://gyazo.com/2750b048ddd202b41f2b19f407c975d3


After I corrected the directory, as shown here: https://gyazo.com/2750b048ddd202b41f2b19f407c975d3 (Note that they both end in 'XComGame'),





it worked! Hope this helps.

Edited by RespiringDoorMat
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I've had the same problem, with Start Debugging building but never launching anything, and I've been getting around it with


Steam/SteamApps/common/XCOM 2/Binaries/Win64/Launcher/StartDebugging.bat


It's literally just runs the game with some command line options, and obviously I wouldn't know if there's any significance difference between this and what ModBuddy is supposed to do, but it's served my purposes just fine.

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