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GECK Masterfiles


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ive worked on a mod a realy long time ago, and now i made a mistake. When i started the GECK, i deselect all the Masterfiles execpt FNV.esm ofcourse.

But now i forgett it and my mod requires now Dead Money, but thats not nessasary and i would kick it off the list.


How do i do that? I tried to press Del. but that didn't work.

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Okay. I opend the "File Header" and there are Master Files listed. How do i remove them?

I tried to remove them, klick on them and backspace the name. Than i saved that and than the ESP.Files said, "UNKOWN" file and i couldn't load the ESP anymore.( ofcourse ive made a backup)


So, how do i remove them from the File Header entry`?

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