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Skyrim In-Depth Races?


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Saying that having different animations for each race would quadrupedal the work does not take into consideration the fact that each beast or monster in the game has their own animation sets already. Assuming there are maybe as many as 40 or 50 different baddies to face in the game, adding 10 animation sets becomes more realistic.


However, I don't think that different animations would be necessary for each race either, just one set for Humans, Elves, Khajiit, Argonian, and Orcs.


Also, we're down to 3 attributes, but that doesn't mean the other attributes aren't calculated. These could just be hidden attributes, which are controlled by the visible 3 during a level-up. If this is the case, races may have bonus percentages applied to each attribute, so that an Orc with a strength of 100 is stronger than a Bosmer with a strength of 100.


Also, strengths and weaknesses could be "skill perks" that are instead "race perks," or even just skill perks that your character starts off with already. :)

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thanks everyone for replying and adding your thoughts on this topic. i think everyone has great points on here, and i hope that there are racial bonuses added in each race, and maybe a different voice for each race.
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