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A Killing System


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so I was messing about with mod ideas by myself in the geck and thought of this cool mod idea(atleast I think id be cool).


a killing system.


where every enemy you kill (in its respected mod) will come back as a non lootable ghost so to speak and it can be a simply attack dog to a named boss towards the end of the mod.


and it will effect the final boss mentally and physicly.


if you don't kill all peaceful named enemys (like bobson or something) if you let him live and or do the mission he/she would progress he story of the mod the final boss will either become a companion or trader etc and not be hostile to you.


but if you kill bobson it will remove a peaceful chance with the final boss and once all chance points are gone he will go into psychopath boss or something due to loseing all hhis comrades/friends.


essentially making you choices have a inpact on the final part of the mod.

Edited by RifleMann
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that would be fairly simple to do. Basically all of the named enemies would have a death script that adds +1 to a variable you set up. Lets call it "DeadFriends". So at first, DeadFriends starts at 0, but with every slain victim, it goes up by one. Then your boss' peaceful dialogue option would need a condition that if DeadFriends variable is less than ( < ) whatever number you decide, lets say 10, then his peaceful options would appear as choices. If the variable climbs any higher than that limit, then they wouldn't appear at all. And you'd be forced to take him out in other ways.

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