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Choose soldiers class, and training from geurilla warfare school


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For the time being, I wouldnt mind just cheating to change classes... But would be nice if a mod existed to do this legitimately. If anyone knows how that'd be cool too!


Right, so what I mean is would it be possible to make a mod that first lets you choose what your rookies become... Then have the GW school train soldiers giving them XP instead of just classes, and likely have facility space being upgradable to 2 or 3 soldiers to be trained together.


I threw away an ironman save last night because out of ~20 recruits, I had 8 snipers, and 7 specialists...


So I got thinking when I went to bed frustrated because the random number gods hated me that night... But I realized that half my issue was that snipers really suck to train up, and that I had no choice on who became what... Something I've always found odd... Who's oddity Is compounded since I'm running 2 mods that first randomizes soldier stats, then allows them to be trained on the field. This has led to the result that I have snipers with 55 aim, and a specialist with 70+, Rangers with 11 movement, and heavies with no will... I mean, yeah it's part of the mod but I think that variation should be balanced by choosing who your soldiers are with their first rank.


Anyways, is it even possible?


To complete the mod, the AWC retraining should also retrain class they are. Or, hell, it might be easier to do that in the first place, having it "re roll" the characters class... Kind of a mix of both... I like that idea actually...


IDEA 2 (as a result of thinking):


Just have the AWC be able to retrain squaddie classes to others by chance, whether it's by making them recruits again or just re-rolling what they are. Would keep the RNG factor that way. I of course would rather have control over it myself, but XCom is all about risk vs reward so the mod might be more popular like that.

Edited by ChaosShadow00x
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correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this sort of exist already? I mean, the guerrilla warfare center allows you to train rookies into the class that you want them to become, no longer waiting for sheer dumb luck to bestow upon you the class you are looking for.

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Check out the commander's choice feature of second wave reborn. It lets you pick the class your rookies level up into. I'm not aware of any mod that lets you change class though. BTW, when rookies level up, the game is already guaranteed to pick the class you have the fewest of. Were you taking high losses on your rangers and grenadiers?

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If you are using mods, are you against using the Dev Console? You can change a squaddies class to whatever you like using the "MakeSoldierAClass <soldier name> <Class Name>" command ... so for instance "MakeSoldierAClass <Joe Bloggs> <Ranger>".

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