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OBMM has my NV files messed up


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Can somebody please help with this? Finally got around to downloading some mods for NV after playing vanilla for months.

When I opened the NV folders to manually change the files. I notice that my Oblivion mod manager automatically comes up and the mesh and texture folders all have the oblivion icon beside them. the OBMM then tells me there is an error and wont allow me to open the folders without also opening OBMM again, then crashing again..

I still play obilivion every once in a while. Forget why I downloaded the obmm but I must have had a reason. Anybody else have this trouble?

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Install the fallout version of OBMM, which is called FOMM. Then, when you see a "bsa" file which has the oblivion icon beside it, it will have a fallout icon instead. Double clicking on it will launch FOMM, which will run correctly instead of crashing. I "assume" that since FOMM is newer, it could also manage oblivion files, but since you are using fallout now, at least you can work with the fallout files using FOMM.
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OBMM should not be installed in the NV folder and should not run when you start NV


Is your Oblivion a steam version? Or have you installed it in the steam folder?

NV Must be in the steam folder or it will not work properly.

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Hey guys thanks for the replys. My Oblivion is not a steam version.I wish my NV was not a steam version but it is setup correctly. OBMM Is installed in my oblivion folder. But when ever I try to open my meshes or textures folder the obmm just starts up and errors and kind of locks me out.. If I get Fomm will that cause the same problem with oblivion? Or can I try and just uninstall the OBMM? I like to manually do the mods but I loaded a big one with the OBMM that required it. Going to try this later tonight. I appreciate any advice you guys have. I dont really get a lot of time to play a lot of these anymore so I gotta enjoy what i can..
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