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skeleton race mod


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i am looking for a actual custom skeleton race mod. I do not mean this which requires you to put on cloths to be a skeleton, i want a actual custom skeleton race mod. Is there one out there?

No, and none could exist which wouldn't exist with either the mesh being clothing, or all races having the skeleton mesh. This is because races don't have specific body meshes, they all use the same one, and just adjust the texturing according to the race tab. Pretty much everything I've said here

http://canadianice.ufrealms.net/forum2/ind...hp?topic=6643.0 also applies to a skeleton race. Maybe the bodyshapes project has a method of switching out body meshes that I'm not familiar with, but I'm fairly sure that they just use OBSE to adjust the linked models of equipment, but are stuck with either a standard nude body for all races, or force something worn to keep up the illusion of different body types.

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