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Do followers have weapon perks?


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I know that characters all have their own personal weapon, Piper's 10mm pistol for example. But do they have perks relating to combat? Does Piper have/get the Gunslinger perk? Do any of the companions have weapons that they are statistically better at?


Or are all companions equally proficient(or indeed useless) with all weapon types?


Edit: Is there a mod out there that makes companions less useless in combat?

Edited by Jprime777
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Well, I think not, could be wrong.

If you were to add better combat to them, the game would become unbalanced.

They are NOT supposed to kill for you, but to merely support you, in a tiny dosage.


So I do not THINK (as I stated, I could be wrong) they do either have specialized combat skills, or perks.


Though I DID notice Piper has a bat.

For whatever reason.
Could be she's melee specified, this leading to the others also being specialized to a single type weapon.

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You don't even need FO4Edit. Pull up the console, click on companion -- or better yet, prid them by ID -- addperk xxxxxxxx, done. Same as you'd add them to yourself, but WITHOUT the "player."


Or if you plan on doing it more than once, make a batch file. It's just a plain text file, Notepad style, in the same directory as the Fallout4 exe file. And put all the addperk commands you want in it. Again, without player.


Then pull up the console, click on companion -- or better yet, prid them by ID -- bat yourBatchFileName. Where you replace yourBatchFileName with what you called the batch file. Done.


I'd imagine most people are more comfortable with Notepad than FO4Edit.

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Or are all companions equally proficient(or indeed useless) with all weapon types?


They aren't all useless. Piper is one of the worst in combat. I've seen her engage in extended combat with a wall. I've never seen any of the others do that.

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Never seen any companion just attack a wall when there's no enemy in the direction. However


A) the AI of ALL NPCs will occasionally get confused about exactly how "opaque" an obstacle is to weapon fire. I think that goes all the way back to FO3 and the projectile setting that they can pass through small transparent obstacles (such as chainlink). If a wall piece is at all containing transparent parts, I think any NPCs will get confused and try to shoot through it.


B) ALL NPCs will try to lay suppression fire by shooting in the general direction of the enemy, especially if they don't have a line of sight.


Basically, much as I'd like to believe that Curie or Piper are better or worse than everyone else, realistically it's the same AI.

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