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Custom Hair not Loading, Googly Eyes


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Hi There!


For some reason, no matter what hair mod I use the hair doesn't show up in the character creation menu. Right now I'm using Comprehensive Style Collection - V1.5 and the hair isn't showing up. In addition, The eyes that this mod comes with have messed up the eye selection so that no matter what eye I pick it shows the eye looking in different directions with a second iris and pupil showing somewhere else on the same eyeball!


I'm using Head 06 but I don't think that should make any difference. Help?

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I use head 06 but only with one custom race. Not sure if that might cause problems with CSC. It sounds like you have one or more eye meshes from other sources which conflict with CSC. If you have Wrye bash, you could rebuild your bashed patch with race records checked and it will sort eyes and hairs by race. It usually gets rid of google eyes, but it may not help if the issue is the head. CSC is one of the rare occasions where I overrule BOSS. I always make it the last cosmetic mod to load.
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All eye problems are caused by conflicting mods. usually beauty type mods. More than one mod wants to control how the eyes look. Some custom races also have their own eyes. Sometimes you can fix it by changing the load order. Disable all of your beauty type mods (change NPC & Player appearance) as well as any custom races. get the vanilla eyes back then enable the mods one at a time to find the one that causes the problem. Then either don't use it, or try various load orders to see if you can get it to work.
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All eye problems are caused by conflicting mods. usually beauty type mods. More than one mod wants to control how the eyes look. Some custom races also have their own eyes. Sometimes you can fix it by changing the load order. Disable all of your beauty type mods (change NPC & Player appearance) as well as any custom races. get the vanilla eyes back then enable the mods one at a time to find the one that causes the problem. Then either don't use it, or try various load orders to see if you can get it to work.


I disabled the Head 06 mod and then the hair and eyes mod worked so that was the conflict. I loaded the hair mod before and after Head 06 and it didn't make a difference though. I know that Head 06 used to work with at least one of my hair mods. Does anyone know how I get it to work again?

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