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What are the Must-Have Mods?


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Apologies if the question has already been asked. I know you can sort the mods by popularity, but sometimes crucial mods might not be that popular. I don't want to miss something epic.


So... what do you think are the Must-Have mods?

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For me:


Unofficial Oblivion Patches


Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul

Better Cities

All Natural


Hi Res Texture Replacers (QTP3, Bomrets SI etc)

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Depends what you want to chnge. For me essentials are FCO, Better Cities, Unique Landscapes and Deadly Reflex. You might find all that a struggle to install dedpendant on your experience.


Be more specific on the stuff you want to change and you will ger some better answers.



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The only really must-have mods are the Unofficial Oblivion patches. They fix thousands of bugs and broken things Bethesda never got around to fixing. There are some tools I consider must-haves. Those would be the Construction Set, Oblivion Mod Manager, BOSS, Wrye Bash, and TES4Edit. All of those are really useful for people who play mods. If you also want to make mods, you might need some more tools like Blender and Nifscope depending on what kind of mods you'd like to create.


What kind of mods appeal to you? Combat mods? Graphics? Quests and/or new dungeons? What is must-have for someone else might not be must-have for you.

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There really are no 'Must' have mods as everyone has different tastes. However we do have a top 100 list (actually several lists) of the most popular mods. These are the ones that most people are going to recommend. (That's how they got on the list) Check those first, take what you want and ignore those that don't appeal to you. Then specify what you want beyond that for more help in finding those mods that suit your taste that are not in the top lists. :thumbsup:
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This are the mods im currently using:


Unique Landscapes

Falling Leaves

Natural Environments

Reality Textures

Falling Stars

omg DOF


Night Eye Shader Replacement

Rens Beauty Pack

Eagle Eye Realistic Archery

A Bloddy Mess & Fights

Alive Waters

Realistic Water or OBGE Liquid Water

AOT Archer (Armor)

Archer Shop

Shadow Ranger Mod

Axebans Hunters

Brighter Torches

Castle Dragulia

Haunted Cathedral

CDM Character Generation Overhaul

Nicoroshi Dreadwave Armor/Weapons

Armory of the sivler dragon (Apophis)

Myths And legends 2

Duke Patricks Script Effect Silencer


Duke Patricks Double Arrow Nock Shot


Script Optimization by HRMNS

Kvatch Rebuild

Lost Spires

Legends Of The North (werewolves)

Curse Of Hircine Ressurected + Addons

LTD Vampire Overhaul + Lithians Nature Of The Beast

MOE Mod Pack (some of it like Main Quest Delayer)

More Animals


Real Swords

Ringwraith Armor/Weapon

Rope Ladders

Stealth Entrances

Stealth Armor

Ungarion The Welkyd Sword


And more idk i know im running about 50 - 100 mods xD

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Thanks everyone. I really appreciate all the input.


Yes, I know that there is a top rated mods list. And I used it. However the most popular mods are not necessarily the must-have ones. I just don't want to miss a great mod, since there are hundreds out there.


I had no idea about a couple of mods you've posted. I'm running approx. 100 mods myself, but I think I still miss some great ones.


Here are some of the mods, which I consider an absolute must-have. Do you think I'm missing something big here?




* Bag of Holding

* Fast Travel

* All in One Basement




* HGEC Body Textures v.1.21

* HGEC High-Res ver batch file (Ozmo's)

* HGEC High-Res faces

* Robert's Replacer Male v5 Beta

* Beautiful People v.2.7

* Ren's Beauty Pack

* Natural Faces 0.95




* CM Partners

* Astrianna

* Sonia

* Viconia DeVir




* Chocolate Elves

* Corean Full

* Dark Elf Remake

* High Elf Remake

* Abriael Human




* Frostmourne & Lich

* Silverlight Armor

* Tyrael Armor




* OOnas Store

* Apachii Godess Store

* Midas Magic Store

* Apachii Heroes Store




* Actors in Charge

* Actors in Madness

* Sexy Walk






* Keychain

* DarkUIdDarn

* Natural Environment

* Wrye Bash

* Hov's Hotkeys

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Bag of holding is actually fairly limited. Try this one for a much expanded bag with multiple categories, plus a few more really handy features. It will also replace some of the HOV wardrobe functions. I don't know if they will work together or not, but if you select different keys they may.



Now that you have the ability to carry a couple of tons around - how about a mod that lets you automatically sort & deposit them into storage containers in your favorite home? Instantly! :tongue:


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