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Moving Scripts across races.


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I'm a newbie at scripting, I barely know how to make text appear when you fulfill a certain condition, but i'd still like to try to move scripts across.


My example being the Moonshadow Elves race, the script makes them turn transparent during the night. I'd like to move that scripted ability over to another one of my races, but two things:


I don't know how to find that script.

I don't know how to apply that script to other races or the conditions required.


I have considerable experience with the TESCS, moving stuff around and navigating, so I know my way if I could get any direction help with this...


In advance: I thank you. :3


(Btw I do this only for personal use, no distribution intent.)




Nevermind I think I figured it out.



I figured out a way alright... But it's tedious and involves copy&pasting by going through specific lines in a script regarding the races it belong to and altering those.


So now I wonder is there an easier way? I'm perfectly content to be doing it the hard(possibly only) way if there isn't though.

Edited by SiniVII
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Should I ask for permission from the one who created the mod before I post the script it belongs to perhaps? Don't really want to go do something that will get me burnt.
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Not sure actually... Can't imagine people claiming scripts as their own, but who knows...


You could it PM it as well. Thing is, I don't actually use mods, just make them. So I don't have that race or anything whatsoever, and though I suspect the solution be very simple, I can't say for sure until I see the script.





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