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Help, Please?


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I give up, I had another topic asking for help/guidance in porting an Oblivion mod, so I could use it personally in my game, but no one replied. Is there anyone who could possibly port this for me and send it to me? Also if it's not too much work could it be a replacement for all NPCs as well as a player race? Thanks in advance.


This is the mod,



Also is there any reputation-giving-thing on this forum?


Sorry for making two topics regarding a similar request.

Edited by Unlimitedrevolver
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I am no expert on porting mods but my guess is porting a mod from oblivion to FONV maynot even really be possible in a realistic sense. By realistic I mean this may involve much more than just changing a few odds and ends but instead may involve a from the ground up type of rebuild. Perhaps why nobody replied to your last request.


I could be wrong here but I think you have no takers because it may involve way to much work. Have you tried contacting the original author of the mod? I see now you say personal use. I had asked here if you had permission but re edited my post. Still may not be a bad idea to PM the original author of the mod and ask them some questions if it is even possible to port this to FONV.


The + sign next to the kudos tag in the posters post is how you give rep points here.

Edited by deu58
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Thanks for the reply, +kudos for informing me of that, however I know that some people had ported over the blood elves mod for personal use and were only really having problems with the ears. These people I mentioned did not release their method of porting it. I've heard you might need to adjust the meshes in blender, but I don't believe that meshes would cause CtDs. I've also read in a post that someone simply dropped in the files, however when I tried that nothing popped up in races.
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Yeah just dropping it in is not going to work because it needs to have the master changed from Oblivion to FNV. And meshes can cause ctds. Sometimes yes and sometimes no but I bet you a doughnut that in your case it would be Yes.


The problem here is it is not just a GECK issue. You say you need to use Blender which is a whole new ball game because after Blender I will bet you another doughnut that it needs to be run through Nifscope to. In fact I have read that before porting a mesh into blender that you first have to use Nifscope to strip out a bunch of stuff and then after Blender use Nifscope to add the stuff all back in again.


Like I said before I think this is why you are not getting any takers here. This is mostly a geck section but some blender and nifscope stuff does get posted here. Have you tried posting in the Nifscope or Blender sub forums to see if there is anybody there that may be interested in taking on this project?


In fact I remember looking at a Blender tutorial and the Blender had tabs for both Oblivion and FO3. I bet a Blender guy could import it from oblivion do their thing to it and then set it to export as FO3. Run it back through Nifscope and once it is usable in FO3 then maybe using FO3edit it could be set up to be ported to FNV.


So right now you need a Blender/Nifscope guru I think.

Edited by deu58
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Generally a modder will put contact info in their read me for the mod. Failing that you can use their Nexus page. Another game I play around with and wanted to use a guys work but he had not been from heard from for over year but his forum account was still active. So I sent him a PM and he responded and gave me permission to use his work. You could try that if the original author has moved on. His Nexus account is still active so send a PM if you have to


Here is a link to the Blender forum



And here is a link to a Nifscope thread. I am not sure if this is a thread where you can ask for someone to look at this mod but you can at least see who on this forum is a Nifscope guru and pop them a PM maybe to get more info and what not.



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