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[REQ] Item Replacement


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I have unpacked the pack0.dzip


Now I want to replace the standard "leather jacket" with "quilted leather" jacket (02_quilted_jacket)

I have opened def_item_armor.xml

then I change all the entries together


but it doesn't work....


I want to start every time at a New Game with these Quilted Leather Jacket

Can anyone help?


EDIT: it works almost right

I changed everything right,

but editing the name from "Leather Jacket" to "Quilted Leather"

give the result that Geralt has no jacket more

Here is my File:



Can someone take a look on it and correct it?

I just need the right Name and the Inventory Icon!


It needs to be changed in the "Act 1" Section

not in "PROLOG"


don't know what the problem is for the game.

thought at first that the file def_stats_item_armor.xml has to do so....



Edited by hivKORN
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