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Guy needs help with cutscenes in the forums

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Heyas Folks :)

I dont know if any of our cutscene masters are paying any heed to the forums right now.

But there's a guy who's done a character conversion from human to elf. And now.... of course, his scene's camera angles are off.

He's trying to edit them himself, and he's getting stumped.


I thought that I'd go ahead and post a link here, just in case that anybody could/would give him a few pointers, or links, or something like that :)




TIA and keep up the great work around here, folks :)


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Heyas Folks :)

I dont know if any of our cutscene masters are paying any heed to the forums right now.

But there's a guy who's done a character conversion from human to elf. And now.... of course, his scene's camera angles are off.

He's trying to edit them himself, and he's getting stumped.


I thought that I'd go ahead and post a link here, just in case that anybody could/would give him a few pointers, or links, or something like that :)




TIA and keep up the great work around here, folks :)



Replied ;)


Pretty much a tall order though. All Morrigan cutscenes will need to be modified, and there are a LOT.

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Dahlia- It is VERY much appreciated, thank you sooooo very much! :) :thumbsup:

I am sure that he will appreciate any advice that you can give.

I can see how that would indeed be a tremendous undertaking to do them all. Most likely he'll handle the ones he thinks is most important and then decide to settle with the others, til he has time and drive to get to more of them.


Again, thanks so very much. And I wish that I could give you another kudos for the assist. :(

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Awww thanks :)


Not only will he have to change the cameras, he will have to redo the kisses. :confused: That in itself will mean he will have to learn the CS editor more in depth.

Nevertheless, I love to see people passionate about modding, so I'm always happy to help where I can really. ;)


Your forwarding that to this forum was very kind and helpful of you!

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