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Random Encounters with Daedric Creatures


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http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62211/? just get the models and spawn them in places you find daedras in the vanilla game

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54629/? just get the model and spawn them in places you find daedras in the vanilla game


It's better if you spawn 1 type of creatures instead of spawning them all in the same place, because you rarely would find any of these creatures in the same small cave.

Edited by crazytexan
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Well, I looked at the mods but I don't think I can upload a mod containing the assets used in that mod. One if the resources used was removed from the nexus, so I asked the mod author if I could use the assets and he/she never got back to me. So if there are any mods that you can think of that are similar that I could use I would appreciate a link to those.

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Well, I looked at the mods but I don't think I can upload a mod containing the assets used in that mod. One if the resources used was removed from the nexus, so I asked the mod author if I could use the assets and he/she never got back to me. So if there are any mods that you can think of that are similar that I could use I would appreciate a link to those.



Edited by crazytexan
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