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Companion Love Mod?


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Well, this might be an odd request, but I am looking for a love mod, RP based.

Once, long ago, in TES Morrowind, there was this love mod, that required you to give attention to your companion (normal companion), or they will go after a while.

You had to build up your relation (with ANY npc for that matter, it would become a companion, just not the story-based ones) through various stages, beginning with things like compliments, => compliment look, ... (quite like in Sims, I think (my daughters play that)).

But this mod ALSO gave you the option for sex, pregnancy, birth, ...

If you wanted a kid, but no wife/hubby or no sex, hey, there was the baby you could find in Vivec, in a basket in the stream where you docked.


Could someone either create this, or point me to a similar mod?


Thank you.

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Marriage and children, no. Intimacy, yes. The first one that comes to mind is the famous Willow, fully voiced and purportedly containing romance and quests.




The other one I know of is an adult-oriented mod (don't click on the spoiler if you are not into that sort of stuff):




I haven't tried either mod, but will probably install Willow at some point.

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Well, romance one, I did intend heading that way.

As for Playthings, I tried it, but it's too hard for me.

Don't get me wrong, i like sex-oriented games, not that, but it is always the same, too straight-forward.

I prefer something more expansive, romance and sex combined, like the one I mentioned before...


Perhaps an idea for a modder?

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