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Creature Rigging Help

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Recently I've been creating a new creautre for Fallout New Vegas it's a mantis that's been repaired with allsorts of stuff, from lawnmower blades to robo legs, I call him Buck The Makeshift Mantis.


How do I rig it to a mantis skeleton?, I've tried to follow a tutorial but they seem rather complex for me (I know a bit of blender but not much) could anyone point me in the direction of a simple blender rigging tuorial?.




Thank you, yours sincerely.


A.K.A BrokenSwords

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Here's how I would do it. I assume that the mantis parts are already rigged, you just need to weight the stuff you added.


Import a normal mantis. Delete all the meat caps. Delete the armature.

Import your mantis. Delete the armature. Select all->by type->meshes

Import the mantis skeleton, choose import skeleton only + parent selected meshes

Hide Buck's "mantis parts"

For the rest of the stuff, let's say, his crutch, select it, this shift-select the mantis leg it's replacing. So you should have both the crutch and the mantis highlighted, but nothing else. The order you select them is important.

Go to object->scripts->bone weight copy

Set quality to 3 and click update selected, then OK.

It may take anywhere from a second to a minute depending on what you're copying.

Repeat for all the other stuff you added. When you're done, delete the original mantis body and unhide Buck.

You can test the weighting by selecting the skeleton, doing ctrl tab, and then cliking on different bones to move them around.

You may need to do some fine tuning, the bone weight copy script can't read your mind.

After you get it where you want it, select the skeleton only and export to the directory with the rest of the mantis meshes.


Put in game via GECK.


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Firstly thank you for the quick reply.


I did everything you said and in the right order selecting the crutch first then the mantis, I did that "copy Bone weight" in the script menu and did it on everything I added to him, but when selecting it in the GECK it doesn't show, I must've done something wrong but I'm not sure what.

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