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Better Spouse AI/Dialogue/Animation


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Hoping that someone would make a mod that improves the AI for spouse. For example, if that spouse walk around and found a farm, she/he will go farming. If spouse walk around and found fish hatchery, maybe she/he will comment on how beautiful the fish are or standing near the hatchery watching at the fish. Besides, spouse should be able to:


1.relax outside, sit/stand at the porch if she found one.

2.Explore the cellar.

3.Read books for extended period(instead of reading just for a few seconds), and comment on how good the book is.

4. Give you homecook meal every day. (Doesn't matter whether you are going to sell it or not, whether you are a werewolf/vamp). They supposed to do so regardless of the situation.

5. Comment on how beautiful the flowers are if she found a greenhouse full of flowers.

6. Explore other areas of the house(both inside/outside/cellar).


In terms of animations, it is better to have spouse to not just eat one type of food. Perhaps, instead of just bread, they could have soup,seared slaughterfish, venison chop, etc. Eating different food should have different animation.

Food other than the soups can have the same animation as eating bread, but the soup should have a different animation.

Perhaps, spouse can eat the venison on the plate (animation required).

Edited by yadiyzakwan
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