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Help with Missing Meshes

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I'm completely new to the oblivion modding scene, so take that into consideration before bashing me.

Most of the mods I download end up not working, due to a giant yellow exclamation point where the item should be. This happened with Addonay's Elven Weaponry and I simply

reinstalled the meshes and it fixed the problem, but this isn't working for most other mods. The mod's I have interest in that won't work for me are; Capes and Cloaks, Scoundrels Luck Armor, and Thieves Arsenal. I run OBSE and OBMM. Any additional information you might need in assisting me with these issues is readily available, just let me know.

Thanks in advance.

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I download the mod, extract it to a mod folder on my desktop, and then just drop it in to my Oblivion/Data folder. Obviously I'm doing it wrong, I'll give it a try thanks for the help.

Edit: I merged all my addons texture and meshes into two folders. Fixed the stupid yellow! but now the armor is purple, I read somewhere that's a texture issue yes?

Edited by Primetime773
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