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Talent Reset Mod Request


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There's a way to reset skills in game. it's possible to do in act 3. to do so, you have to keep to yourself Malgeth's scroll from the quest about sisters' ghosts in act 2.

Edited by Patronus
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I too request a mod that enables one to reset one's skills at any given time. This would be much easier than completing a quest (which is probably only possible once).


And it should be fairly easy as the mechanics are already in there somewhere.

Edited by butter_milch
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It would be a swell mod, that's for sure. Any discussion relating to 'live with your choices!' or 'there's a way to reset talents in Chapter 3!' seems irrelevant, since that's not what this request is about. Some way to get your talents reset, either in a limited fashion or at will throughout the game, sounds like a great mod to make; then it's up to each player to decide whether or not they want to use it.
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Ideally what you'd want is a character like the Soulpatcher in Two Worlds 2, for a sum of gold he will regress you (let your character forget the skills they have learned) the skills that are lost are random but you get the skill points to allocate again.
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This would be awesome. From what I understand from The Witcher Twitter, the developers have a fetish for making players play their game many multiples of times, and I assume this is the reason why they didn't add an easy way to redo talents.


As some one stated already, the function already exists somewhere in the game. Unfortunately, it is very likely out of Modders' reach with the current modding tools.

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