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Colonised Freside Official Thread


Options For Colonised Freeside  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. What major change do you want to see in Colonised Freeside

    • A player Home
    • A Performance Version (Less NPCs and Litter)
    • More Work on Freeside North Instead of Moving Onto Freeside South
    • Moving Onto Freeside South and Leaving Freeside North As It Is For Now
    • More Thuggs
    • Less Thuggs
    • More Street Litter
    • Less Street Litter
    • More Working Lights
    • More Repair Workers
  2. 2. For performance what do you want?

    • Less NPCs (Around 20)
    • Less Lighting
    • Around 20 Pre Existing NPCs Be Put In Interiors

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It looks really grand so far. I wanted to try the "no litter" mod to see if it helped performance any, sadly I was still unable to enter Freeside because of the choking performance hit. I'll either be trying to get a new CPU or do a reinstall with no mods and on the lowest settings when the first official release is out. Keep up the good work as always.
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I am curious what the litter might consist of to make it so punishing to the system? Most litter in the game is made of only a few tens of triangles at most. Is the litter dynamic 'havoc' enabled stuff? I ask as I usually toss around heaps of litter in anything I make, but it does not show any appreciable effect on performance. At least as far as I have seen.


NPCs cause a much, much more noticeable performance hit, hence the reason everyone found the strip so underwhelming. It had to be stripped down to a handful of NPCs to make it playable.

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Well the litter consists of piles or rubble, and paper of the roads, no misc items. The biggest performence hits for this mod are misc items (Because most of it is out in the open), more NPcs (about 80 more) and finaly many more lights. I will make a version with less NPcs, less lights and finally less misc items.
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My guess would be the 80 NPCs. Most vanilla areas have less NPCs than you can count on your hands. I made a mod that had 40 NPCs in one area and it really, really, taxed the computer. It is too bad that the engine is so weak in this area. Or that the workable limit on NPCs is so low.


You could also try moving a lot of those NPCs into interior cells. It only matters when they are all in the same cell. Then they effect the performance. I think it would be worth considering an overhaul to the NPCs, because the physical alterations to the area really make this mod shine. It would be a shame to lose players to the performance issues that may be caused by NPCs, particularly if they are only ancillary.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Def cut down the npc count or i am not gonna bother looking at this again. Simple fact is the engine cannot support this much at once, even on a super computer. Edited by Nadimos
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I will be removing about 20 NPCs soon and before the release i will add some more interiors and have another 20 or so NPCs stay indoors until they wish to sleep. So in the end there will be around about 40 less NPC therefore increasing stabability. I will also be removing some uneccicary lights and finaly reducing the size again of the Street Lights and Barrels. Ultimately the performance will be greatly increased.
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I will be removing about 20 NPCs soon and before the release i will add some more interiors and have another 20 or so NPCs stay indoors until they wish to sleep. So in the end there will be around about 40 less NPC therefore increasing stabability. I will also be removing some uneccicary lights and finaly reducing the size again of the Street Lights and Barrels. Ultimately the performance will be greatly increased.

I would highly suggest keeping npc's in homes and other places to create an atmosphere that gives the appearance of a large population in the area rather than dieing from lag of a busy/bustling city. No mod is worth a hit on performance to notice lag. It will kill every aspect of pleasure it may produce.

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Are there going to be NPCs that have daily tasks? like some NPCs cleaning, some eating, and some being on guard duty, an others repairing stuff, some talking to each other, playing games and things like that?
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Are there going to be NPCs that have daily tasks? like some NPCs cleaning, some eating, and some being on guard duty, an others repairing stuff, some talking to each other, playing games and things like that?


Yes, there are two NPCs that do repairing, one is named Grease Monkey, he repairs the industrial generators that keep the Freeside sreet lights running, there is a man who goes around all of Freeside repairing small generators that also keep the street lights working and the other general lights working, all NPCs walk around/ eat at lunch and tea/ sleep in assigned beds/ talk to the player/ sit on furniture/ sit on the floor/ lean on walls/ talk to eachother. There are NPCs who tell you stories if you ask them ( there backgrounds), there are NPCs who sell and but items, there are NPCs who repair items, there are two guards for the market (rotating, one day, one nights) and there are animals that scavange around for food (Dogs and molerats), and there is a street corner striper who also has custom dialog.

In the next version (1.6) wich will be named NPCs Alive, all the NPCs will have custom paths so they will walk all around Freeside, they will go shopping once a day at the market, Genaroes Grub, and Jack's Merc Company, and there will be random NPCs from outside the waste who will come to walk around, go to the Atomic Wrangler (maybe) and then leave again.

So yeah, they are already fairly lively but in the next update (which will be very small in comparison to 1.5) they will seem just a little more alive.

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I will be removing about 20 NPCs soon and before the release i will add some more interiors and have another 20 or so NPCs stay indoors until they wish to sleep. So in the end there will be around about 40 less NPC therefore increasing stabability. I will also be removing some uneccicary lights and finaly reducing the size again of the Street Lights and Barrels. Ultimately the performance will be greatly increased.

I would highly suggest keeping npc's in homes and other places to create an atmosphere that gives the appearance of a large population in the area rather than dieing from lag of a busy/bustling city. No mod is worth a hit on performance to notice lag. It will kill every aspect of pleasure it may produce.


I am sorry but I do not quite understand what you are saying, are you saying that i should remove the 20 NPCs and have the other 20 stay indoors, because this may endup being neccicary for medium end computers, I myself have a very powerfull computer and I still notic some stutering when i have NMCs and Tapoiks textures activated, so it may be neccicary. I still need to try the mod out with some testers though so we will still see.

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