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Changing Mannequin textures


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I don't get what you mean by "put new esp in LotD folder"


You are supposed to make this edit directly in the LotD.esp, and it will work. The npc file to edit is 'PlayerHouseMannequinFemale'

im using MO so after i close CK it moves the ESP to the override folder for LotD, i then move it back to the LotD folder


im rather new to CK so i might be messing it up lol am i not supposed to save or something?

Edited by dakotagustafson
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hmm then i must be missing something....it shows up correct in the CK when i preview it but not in the game its really odd


1. Load Legacy of the Dragonborn.esp in CK getting past all the warnings


2. search mannequin to find playermannequinfemale


3. right click or double click to open edit window


4. in lower left corner hit the ... by actor base and select housecarl iona


5. tick use traits, then untick use traits?


6. hit ok in window


7. hit save under date


8. profit?

Edited by dakotagustafson
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hmm maybe...guess ill try remove textures for the heck of it see what happens no luck


maybe mines too high in load order? ill try moving it cause i did exactly as you said and nothing


negative...maybe let me try changing vanilla ones and see what happens

Edited by dakotagustafson
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