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Why is there no single mod that adds the 4 primary Akavir races?Seems obvious,instead of adding completely made up races,or races that are supposed to be extinct(according to lore)or importing races from different meta-verses,and why weren't the Imga included as a playable race?I mean they are smart enough to imitate the Thalmor,but aren't quit sentient enough,to be considered playable?Also,what defines a "wild race"?Giants,goblins,and rielings all appear to have some form of "culture" and social structure...are they primitive aboriginal races?(Hehe...reikling Dragonborn.)

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I love this idea and really support it. I would try and make it happen but it would obviously require knowing how to make custom meshes and textures and I do not know how to make meshes and only a basic idea of how to make textures.

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