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Ted Gunderson's a filthy thief


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Hello everyone. I just thought I'd share something interesting I encountered - not sure if it's anything you'll find interesting but it can't hurt.


I was on the quest about solving the cannibal mystery at the Ultra-Luxe. I ended up using a stealthboy to get through to the kitchen. I killed Philippe the cook, stashed him in the freezer, cooked the meal that's supposed to taste like human, called the cook and hid myself and my henchmen. While doing this, I was in effect tresspassing because I hadn't gained enough acceptance to go to the kitchen. The server comes down and grabs the meal. After this I go up to the dinner room where Mortimer holds his speach. I keep out of the way because if I step closer after entering the room everyone will attack me. After Mortimer's speech is finished I use another stealthboy and go to him revealing his scheme. This makes everyone mad at him instead of me, letting me leave the room.


Then, after talking to Ted's father, I find out that I don't have enough Speech (55 is required) to make the father NOT cut off the food supply for The Strip. I don't want this, so I reload, sneak past the father and go outside. I do this because I want to gain levels so my Speech is high enough for the food supply to not be cut off.


I travel to Nellis Airbase to continue some of the quests there, while Ted Gunderson is still following me. I finish some stuff and I'm then asked to go see Pearl. I enter her Barracks. Before I know what happened, Ted storms towards a shelf and grabs Pearl's grenade launcher - and she doesn't care! I'm sure I'm not supposed to bring Ted outside the Ultra Luxe, but I think it's kind of strange that he steals. He might be bugged though, because he keeps looking angry with his fists up so I think he's in fighting mode and might be trying to find something to defend himself with.


Well, hope this was the least bit interesting, otherwise I apologize for wasting your time :rolleyes:



Edited by bodoron
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I think that's probably general AI behavior.


NPCs do loot weapons that are "lying around" fairly regularly. I remember the time I was using the dumpster outside Chet's store in Goodsprings to store all my extra weapons and then I ran "Ghost Town Gunfight" and next time I went back to my dumpster half my weapons were gone! That certainly explained where the townie got the grenade launcher from, I thought it had been powder gangers chucking dynamite but no, he stole my grenade launcher, the dirty thief! :D


I've seen NPCs loot weapons in other circumstances as well, even when it was not (apparently) a combat situation. Seems to happen more now in 1.3 than in the past. One of my companions just the other day got stuck in "combat mode" after the fight had ended. I had to do a full save/reload to get her unstuck, normally using a follow command works but not that time.

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Not surprisin' considering Ted Gunderson's also a whiny ingrate prat. I try to be a good guy most of the time but, quite frankly, didn't have much of a problem off'n the little turd during my last playthrough of the Ultra-Lux quest.
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Yes it's typical AI behavior just shoot a weapon out of their hand and watch.

They will either flee, pick back up with weapon or grab a new one.


It also works for unarmed characters but some (Not a lot will just attack you barefisted, morons.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't stand Ted Gunderson! I saved the little hat-wearning s*** from become a mediocore meal and all he can say to me is: "If you knew what you were doing I'd of been outta there hours ago."


What really pisses me off is that the whoever made this quest didn't send them back home. Are they to spend eternity standing in front of the bar looking at eachother? Won't they have to pee eventually? LOL I know it's just the game mechanics but it's the little things that bother me.

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I can't stand Ted Gunderson! I saved the little hat-wearning s*** from become a mediocore meal and all he can say to me is: "If you knew what you were doing I'd of been outta there hours ago."


What really pisses me off is that the whoever made this quest didn't send them back home. Are they to spend eternity standing in front of the bar looking at eachother? Won't they have to pee eventually? LOL I know it's just the game mechanics but it's the little things that bother me.


You'd think that with all that talk about the Gunderson farm they'd go back there..a farm doesn't take care of itself :)

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Thank you! I really hate how they just stand there! Their dirty rancher look hurts the decor of the Ultra-Luxe.
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I can't stand Ted Gunderson! I saved the little hat-wearning s*** from become a mediocore meal and all he can say to me is: "If you knew what you were doing I'd of been outta there hours ago."


What really pisses me off is that the whoever made this quest didn't send them back home. Are they to spend eternity standing in front of the bar looking at eachother? Won't they have to pee eventually? LOL I know it's just the game mechanics but it's the little things that bother me.


You'd think that with all that talk about the Gunderson farm they'd go back there..a farm doesn't take care of itself :)


There may be more Gundersons. According to Aunt Ada Doom Gunderson, "There have always been Starkadders Gundersons at Cold Comfort Farm Gunderson farm. And you'll never go. Not one of you."

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