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Sort companions by class?


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When returning to skyhold to check which of the new gear is useful to followers, my routine involves circling through all companions / followers to see if any of them have weapons inferior to those in my inventory.


Sadly, the companions don't have any meaningful order as far as I can tell, which makes this process unnecessarily clumsy.


Vanilla the order is

  1. Rogue: Inquisitor
  2. Warrior: Cassandra
  3. Rogue: Sera
  4. Mage: Dorian
  5. ...

Playing a rogue, ideally the order of companions would look something like

  1. Rogue: Inqusitor
  2. Rogue: Sera
  3. Rogue: Varric
  4. Rogue: Cole
  5. Warrior: Cassandra
  6. Warrior: Blackwall
  7. Warrior: Iron Bull
  8. Mage: Solas
  9. Mage: Dorian
  10. Mage: Vivienne

Is there any such mod?

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That's a good idea. This may be a possible mod though in the future bioware should incorporate in future games. this option to arrange by class and such is a nice idea. Another good one would be by level, alphabetical, or race, or gender. First cycle through all the men and then all the women!

Edited by axkeeper
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