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New Creatures

The Dark Brother

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I've downloaded several new creatures mods, but most of them have creatures that are almost invisible and far too powerful, which is no fun.

Can anyone suggest a mod with new creatures that come in different shapes and sizes, have undead that come back from the dead and don't have creatures that are either overpowered or almost invisible?


Many thanks in advance!

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MMM has quite a few new monsters. As a plus (since you seem so interested in them) the mod make quite a few changes to the undead.


Lol, you must think me some sort of Necromancer, eh? In the game, maybe.... I just think if you have the zombies always walking around, you've missed a bit of a trick. Something else that would be great would be if zombies or skeletons burst out of graves at night at the various cemeteries scattered around the map.


What do you (and everyone else) think?


By the way, Panzer, you've helped me out a lot tonight. Cheers, buddy!

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