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Edit a texture or easier make it from scratch?


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I have no idea how these flat image textures even know how to wrap around their designated object the right way :tongue:


The flat image texture doesn't know how to wrap around their designated object. That information is contained within the mesh so the .nif knows how to wrap an image texture around itself. You can see this for yourself quite easily by changing the texture in Nifskope to some other random texture and observe how it gets wrapped around the object as though it were the original texture (often looking quite strange in the process).

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Yeah I figured out how you some how in the nif designate the points the texture are applied to the mesh... Haven't tried to work with that yet... Right now I am trying to do two things that I was hoping for a bit of help with... Now I extended the barrel on this gun to just make it seem like it was threaded... but for the last hour or so I have been trying to make it actually threaded...


now once I do this I don't really know how the texture will respond... but we will see. Anyway the attached barrel picture is what i have to work with... most guides I find use methods I can't seem to incorporate on this.... So was wondering if someone more experienced would have a better idea.



Also the other image is the current issue with the texture that I tried to edit (same on the other side) any idea what's causing that? I have a feeling it will be mesh related.




Edit: so I was going to attempt to port what I have to Fo4... going off this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppTXCJ0SZ88


Upon attempting this when I load the nif into bodyslide and then attempt to export it it says "at least one vertex does not have any weighting assigned to it fix it with a brush etc..." then from there go into nifskope when it loads in it gives an error message and the frame of the pistol won't display... Now the frame is what I have been editing in blender so is there a possibility I messed something up? BUT if I skip the bodyslide part and just load the nif I saved from blender it shows up, but when I try to move it into the fo4 file as the guide tells me I get "could not update array items -- array material name invalid"

Edited by leot486
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  • 4 weeks later...

A new issue I have that I only recently noticed... I must of messed something up along the line of editing this that now if i drop the gun in game (currently using FO:NV to test) I hear a sound like it hits the floor, but it is floating in the air and I can't pick it back up. Seems I messed up the collision, any idea how to fix this or whats going on?

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