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Trying to export model with new UVs breaks nif. correct blender shader settings?


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Hi guys.


Im experiencing an issue with blender nifscripts, where it usually does something to screw up my model while i export. usually it is something simple like adding extra branches in the tree so i can easily change those in nifskope to fix the issue. like models not being where they should be on an actor, and a simple fix is removing stuff that dont belong until it shows up where it should.


but this is different.


i took a whole armor set into blender and basically took the original meshes, and reworked them all into higher detail. so now there is a completely new set of armor with all the old information attached to it from the UVs etc.


well i unwrapped the UVs for the helmet and replaced the texture so it looks great in blender, but the thing is when i go to export it something is not right. Im not sure what settings i need to have corrected before it saves correctly.


the texture is on the model, and im not sure how to save it to the model for export so it shows in nifskope. and when i open nifskope the tree is gone and it only has the root node with even the name stripped off. and i think the culprit is the block details say it has a skyrim shader. at least that is what nifskope interprets it as, which is probably why blender borked the model suring export from blender. anyway this is really frustrating, because i searched all over the internet for a decent tutorial on morrowind and specific setting for removing the old UV data in blender, and replacing it with new material settings, new texture, new UVs and new ahder setting, and there is not one detailed tutorial out there that explains this. i have basically had to figure all this out on my own by trial and error and im so close it would be a shame to be stumped at this point.


does anyone know the correct type of shader or what other settings are acceptable for a morrowind nif for export? can anyone point me to a complete tutorial that doesnt skip over things on what to do?

Edited by xander2077
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